Keep Puako Beautiful and Coral Reef Alliance will lead a beach clean up at Puako this Saturday from 8 a.m.-noon.
Keep Puako Beautiful and Coral Reef Alliance will lead a beach clean up at Puako this Saturday from 8 a.m.-noon.
Known as Paniau, the area includes the land and waters surrounding the south end of Puako Beach Road. It is advised to wear gloves, water gear, tennis shoes and a hat.
All ages invited to the cleanup. Donated tanks of dive air or kayaks for water cleanup can be reserved.
A potluck lunch will follow. Participants are asked to bring a dish to share and a chair.
Coral Reef Alliance will also lead a water quality monitoring workshop for adults and children grades 8-12 that morning. Contact Erica Perez for more details at
RSVP cleanup: